These policies are OUR policies. They reflect our needs, issues, landscapes, patterns, lifestyles and future. These policies will evolve over-time to reflect the changing needs of our division.

1. Honest, open and transparent politics

Australians have lost much hope and trust in government and in our old major-party system. The vital connection between citizens and government has been disrupted by the lack of honesty and transparency.

I pledge to work to hold government and politicians to be more accountable and honest. This will also mean restoring the moral compass in politics.

I will do so by:

a. Supporting and initiating the creation of an Independent national anti-corruption body.

b. Advocating for and introducing parliamentary incentive to boost funding for independent bodies such as the Australian Human Rights Commission and other integrity bodies and commissions, to enforce accountability and integrity in Australian government.

c. Pursue an integrated National Integrity Plan to hold Australian parliament accountable to Australian citizens through honesty and transparency.

d. Initiate a full investigation of current government incentives by the major parties that lack public trust including ‘The Underwriting New Generation Investment Program’ which is neither transparent or honest.

2. Rebuild representative democracy on community consultation

This is part of building a government based on transparency and integrity. Community consultation has often become a last resort of the policy-making process, rather than the first step in the process.

I pledge to restore representative democracy through the enforcement of citizen-centric policy-making processes.

I will do so by:

Establishing a robust civil committee’s/forums system in the Hume electorate on all issues and matters pertaining to the division. This will allow greater community representation prior to the development of policy.

3. Climate strategy; not a political football

The Australian government and many parliamentarians are known for consistently denying the expert advice on climate change.

I am convinced that it is the time to take active preventative measures regarding climate change. As a young Australian, It is my generation that will have to tackle the aftermath of poor decision-making and the consumption of the environment as a mere commodity. According to a study by the Australian National University along, the electorate of Hume is one of the hardest hit electorates for climate change impact, and the average temperature for Hume will increase by 3.81 degrees Celsius by 2050.

I will do this for the current generation, my generation and our children and beyond. As like many Australians, I refuse to become a part of a generation that failed to protect and prevent.

I pledge to defend and protect the environment and its processes to the best of my ability and prevent the government from exploiting our environment as a mere commodity, but to be mindful that the environment is our home.

I will do so by:

a. Supporting and advocating for the introduction of an independent climate change body to monitor government policies that may adversely impact the environment. The independent climate body will also assist Australian citizens to embrace Australia’s renewable resources whilst also assisting with developing policy.

b. Locally in Hume, I will support and advocate for the strategic transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, without causing economic disadvantage to the families, miners and businesses in the Hume electorate.

4. Respect and diversity

Trust in parliamentarians is at an all-time low, and it can be traced back to the lack of respect and diversity in parliament today. The recent headlines coming out of Parliament regarding the treatment of women and diversity issues has shaken Australia. These issues have questioned the effectiveness of our very own criminal and justice systems as well as the enforcement of the rule of law.

Parliamentarians are meant to represent citizen’s and should not dictate a certain calibre of people that can be parliamentarians.

I pledge to enforce respect as the basis of parliamentary affair as well as to break the stereotypes of what a parliamentarian should look like including age, gender and colour. I will pledge to pave the way for my successors so that any citizen of the Hume electorate can walk the halls of parliament and they need only a moral compass and willingness to do good.

I will do so by:

1. Advocate for and introduce a Code of Conduct for Commonwealth Parliamentarians to foster and restore public trust.

2. Support government policies and advocate for the closing of the gap with our First Nation’s People, including recognition of our First Nation’s People in government and the Australian Constitution.

3. Eliminating all forms of discrimination, violence and all forms of bullying in parliament.

4. Ensure that Australia is fulfilling obligations as prescribed under international human rights; and ensure that Australia works collaboratively with other nations on topics under human rights.

5. Advance our healthcare services and infrastructure

Federal government plays a significant role in funding national health programs. Since the beginning of the pandemic, health care services has been vital and important and has particularly opened the need for greater mental health services. The COVID-19 pandemic has also challenged the effectiveness and deliverability of our health care system.

I pledge to ensure that federal government provide greater funding and reform for quality health care services and programs particularly for the mental health sector and NDIS.

I will do so by:

a. Supporting reforms under the NDIS scheme to achieve greater productivity and flexibility for participants when using funds.

b. Supporting and advocating for greater investment into the mental health sector for greater access and deliverability and to take preventative measures to the increasing impact of mental health cases.

6. A sustainable future: Protect our environment without breaking our citizens

In Australia, as around the whole world, we need a strategic plan to transition our economy away from harmful processes that effect our environment. We must do so without causing an economic disadvantage to our citizens.

We must develop an ‘Accept and Prevent’ mind-set when looking at a sustainable future. That is, accepting the scientific evidence on the impact of unsustainable practices, and then coming up with long-term solutions to prevent the negative impacts whilst also achieving maximum economic output.

I will pledge to develop and support a strategic plan to develop hi-tech industries and new clean energy technology to power our businesses and homes, and fuel our trucks and cars.

I will do so by:

a. Supporting and initiating sustainable new industries and innovative ideas that will support job creation and employment.

b. I will support and advocate for a strategic and planned withdrawal of the use of fossil fuels to power our economy without disrupting and causing economic inconvenience to Australian families, miners, businesses and those that classify themselves as ‘working-class citizens’.

c. I will ensure that new infrastructure development is regulated and sustainably designed without intruding the natural beauty, heritage and environment of Australia, and particularly the Hume electorate, including our landscapes.

d. Supporting bills and initiatives by the government to assist farmers into transitioning to innovative farming methods that are sustainable for the environment and their businesses, including carbon farming.

7. Aged care

Our current aged care system has received much scrutiny in the way that our elderly are being treated. Particularly, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has clearly identified the significant issues surrounding the well-being, safety, human rights and independence of our elderly Australians.

Currently, the Royal Commission recommendations are not mandatory and hardly enforceable.

I will pledge to resurface the Royal Commission recommendations and advocate for the implementation of these recommendations across the aged care industry.

I will do so by:

a. Supporting the enforcement of the royal commission recommendations.

b. Advocating for the strategic transition in the aged care industry from a profit-driven approach to a human rights and/or needs-based approach, where our elderly are treated as independent human beings that are inherent with human rights.

c. Supporting and initiating greater national funding for the aged care sector for quality, effective and humane care.

d. Supporting government policies that transitions away from the cost-based failures of the past to a needs-based system that promotes independence and dignity. This will move away from the profit-driven approach.